
행사명(국문) 대한위암학회 제29회 춘계학술대회
행사일시 2010-04-23 ~ 2010-04-24
장소(국문) 부산파라다이스 호텔


프로그램 강사명 파일다운
Educational Symposium: Basics of Pathology & Radiology for Gastric Cancer
Dealing with Frozen & Gross Specimen of Gastric Cancer 김준미
Basic Knowledge of Gastric Cancer Pathology 박도윤
Preoperative Radiologic Staging of Gastric Cancer 이종석
Radiologic Dianosis of Recurrent Gastric Cancer 김세형
JP Kim Memorial Lecture
Minimally and Individual Endoscopic Management for an Early Gastric Cancer Masaki kitajima
Luncheon Symposium
Clinical Implication of ToGA Trial in Advanced HER2 Positive Gastric Cancer 정현철
Symposium: Interesting Cases
Portal Vein Thrombosis 류근원
Management of E-J Leakage after Total Gastrecotmy 한상욱
Management of Duodenal Stump Leakage 김욱
Remnant Gastric Necrosis 안대호
Splenosis Mim,icking Hepatic Metastasis in AGC 정귀애
Splenosis Mimicking Hepatic Metastasis in AGC 정귀애
Confusing Cases of EGC Referred form Local Clinics 김성
Satellite Symposium for Nurses
위장관 해부학 박도중
위암 수술의 기본 개념 허훈
봉합사 진성호
통증관리 이상일
창상관리 박성순
위암환자의 영양관리 김형일
Sympisium Extended ESD
내시경점막하박리술의 확대적응증 - 찬성하는 입장에서 정훈용
Considerations in Expanding Indications for Endoscopic Treatment of Early Gastric Cancers 이준행
Japanese Perspective on Extended ESD Criteria Mitsuhiro Fujishiro
The Extended Indications for EMR or ESD Are Thus Not Entirely Safe 김형호
병리 입장에서 본 내시경점막술 적응증 확대 손진희
International Consensus Conference
New TNM Classification: Japanese Perspective Toshimasa Tsujinaka
New TNM Staging for Gastric Cancer Jia-fu Ji
New TNM Staging System for Gastric Cancer - Korean Perspectives 형우진